40 Bosom Buddy Breast Cancer Baskets Delivered
40 more Bosom Buddy Breast Cancer Baskets were delivered to local hospitals this week because of generous donators like Rick Whealen and Kelly Atkinson! #pinktie2017
Robin Gray
I have been struggling these last few days on what to post about one of our Honored Bosom Buddies who lost her battle with breast cancer, Robin Gray. Last year, when we picked up the ball gowns from Deja Vu Boutique they donated to our Honored Bosom Buddies to wear to our 6th Annual Pink[…]
IIIB’s Participate in Loudoun’s Survivor’s Retreat
The IIIB’s Foundation participated at the Inova Loudoun Hospital Life with Cancer and Loudoun Breast Health Network’s Pathways to Survivorship: A Breast Cancer Survivors’ Retreat at Inova Loudoun Hospital. Attendees enjoyed an array of complimentary giveaways and services including: wigs, bras, scarves and hats; soft pocket prostheses; makeup kits and makeovers; bra fittings; drumming demonstrations; chair massages; acupuncture[…]
The IIIB’s Foundation Provides 31 Baskets at Washington Redskins Charitable Foundation All Star Survivor Day
The IIIB’s Foundation once again participated in the Washington Redskins Charitable Foundation’s All Start Survivor Day where they honored 31 breast cancer survivors with a day of pampering at Redskins Park – with the IIIB’s giving each of these 31 women our Bosom Buddy Basket!