November 13, 2024

Become a Champion

The IIIB’s Foundation Announces VIPink Bosom Buddy“Be a Champion – Pay it Forward Program”

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As part of your VIPink Bosom Buddy Experience – You have a unique opportunity to share your personal story and allow your friends, family and loved ones to help you help other women going through breast cancer.

WHAT IS THE CHAMPION PROGRAM: The Champion Program offers an individual fundraising page where you share your story and set a monetary goal of how many Bosom Buddy Baskets you would like to sponsor with the help of your support system. It will create a link that you can share on your social media. It is amazing how your support system will react and contribute – Every Dollar Counts! The funds you raise will help make The IIIB’s Foundation’s mission of comforting breast cancer patients a reality and will be announced at the Pink Tie Charity Ball (with your permission.)

HOW DO YOU DO SET UP YOUR CHAMPION PAGE: It is Really Easy! All you have to do is:

1) Sign into: or use Button Below

2) Scroll Down on Home Page where you will find the: All VIPink Bosom Buddies – Become A Champion Button Section

3) Select the Become a Champion Button

4)  Upload a Photo – (One with your Bosom Buddy Basket – if you have one – or any meaningful moment that means a lot to you.)

5)  Choose a Monetary Goal – ($500 is a good starting point but feel free to set whatever you are comfortable with. You will be surprised how easy it is and how much people want to help Pay it Forward for you!)

6)  Write a Short Story – Share what you are comfortable sharing about your experience as you went through your breast cancer journey and incorporate what the Bosom Buddy Basket meant to you.  This story should share the reason why you want your friends and family to help your fundraising efforts to support The IIIB’s Foundation.

We are Super Excited about meeting all of you and hearing your personal stories. We also think this is going to be an awesome and easy way for those of you who want to pay it forward to do so for other women facing breast cancer. Let us know if you have any questions!